Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New Canvas

I just finished building my best canvas yet! I'm rather pumped about it, so I thought I'd post a picture. It's square at the corners, completely level against the wall, and the canvas stretched perfectly! Also, I found a new gesso primer that is way better than what I was using. The brand is Martin/F. Weber Co. "Prima" for those of you that are interested. I got it at Hobby Lobby.

The canvas is for a commission piece I plan to get started on soon. I've got all the studies finished, and am looking forward to throwing paint on this fresh, new beast of a canvas. I'll be sure to put some pictures on the blog when it's finished.

Oh, I've also got some ideas cookin' for a series of high contrast portraits. They will be similar to Red with a stylized portrait of a girl blowing a kiss in stages (flip book style). She'll probably have a pop culture bob haircut...Anyway, stay tuned

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