Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Feature Article

Rachel Slade, writer with Wilco Sun paper in Georgetown, noticed my art in Framer's Gallery and asked to do an article on me & my art. It was perfect timing really because I'm preparing a series of paintings to be released in February. This article has some info on the series which is titled Women & Wine.

It was a pleasure working with Wilco Sun and I greatly appreciate the article. It's encouraging to see that my art is getting out there and I really enjoy the feedback about it. I feel like I've finally come into my own with this new style. I've got a good vibe about this new series, and I'm looking forward to getting it out there for the world to see.

click images to make 'em bigger


  1. This is awesome! How cool are you!!!! So glad to see success to such a talented artist! Cheers!

  2. Thanks Minnie! Your support definitely fuels the passion.

  3. Great article! Kudos man. I'm glad to see you're beginning to get the kind of recognition you deserve.

    "mis-guided youth" ha. We're all a bit mis-guided, but that allows us to follow our own paths. Congrats dude.

  4. Thanks brotha man!

    Ha ha, yeah I felt like that was the p.c. way to say it. I'll have to tell Darren; He'll think it's hilarious.
